London For The COVID-Cautious

London is  one of the best cities in the world for holidays, even during COVID restrictions. With its many outdoor activities, landmarks and a...

35 Amazing Facts About London

London is a pretty amazing city by anyone’s standards. It is home to world class culture, fantastic institutions, and stunning attractions. If you’re planning a visit...


Three iconic sights not to be missed on your next stay...

London is a city of many contrasts, with some of the most iconic buildings and attractions in the world and an old meets new...

Romantic Things To Do In London

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, London has long been a top destination for couples retreats. Not only do the hotel packages of...


Uncovering the Mesmerising History of Shisha

Whether you are an experienced shisha smoker or have just started exploring the world of shisha, have you ever wondered about its origin? In...